College of The Albemarle (COA) is proud to be a member institution of the North Carolina Scholar of Global Distinction Program (NCSGDP). A broad knowledge of other countries and cultures is important for citizens in today’s global community. In addition, employers increasingly seek globally competent/aware employees. COA values cultural diversity and supports “an emphasis on teaching about global issues and world regions to prepare students to work in a global economy and live in an interconnected world.”
NCSGDP participants who successfully complete the program receive “Graduated with Global Distinction” on their transcripts, an honors graduation stole, and a joint certificate from COA and World View at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill recognizing this accomplishment. This honor can be listed on resumes or university applications.
Program Requirements
To successfully complete the NCSGDP, students will meet the following requirements:
- Complete at least 15 credit hours of globally intensive courses
- Participate in eight international activities and dialogue
- Participate in 30 hours of a global experience through one of the following activities:
– Study Abroad through COA or another approved program
– Pre-Approved International Travel Abroad Trip
– Global-Orientated Mission trip
– Domestic intercultural experience
– Virtual Study Abroad Experience by completing the Study Abroad Association* Global 360 Cultural Studies Course (students are responsible for the $95 fee for this course) - Give a capstone presentation related to their global learning participation
Boswell, Bradley
Assistant Professor, Spanish/French
COA – Elizabeth City: A 240
252-335-0821 ext. 2205
Meads, Lisa
Dean, Arts and Sciences
COA – Elizabeth City: A 252
252-335-0821 ext. 2357